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Does PICO do Brushes ??

Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 6:17 pm
by LadynRed
I have aquired a LARGE collection of Photshop Brushes. Managing them would be a LOT eaiser if PICO can handle them. I've got my brushes all in their own folders so that I when I use a linkware brush I know who to give the credit to, but PS ignores the folders and just loads ALL those brushes ! YIKES ! The list is too long to even fit on screen any more.

If PICO doesn't handle brushes, I've seen many posts similar to mine where people are looking for some kind of brush management tool and one that would include the ability to catalog them with thumbnails (sort of). I've started to create my own sort of catalog in PS manually .. its tedious to say the least. It would be a welcomed product or great addition to PICO if its feasible.

Thanks !

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 1:58 pm
by HaraldHeim
Some time ago I thought about making Plugin Commander Pro support Photoshop brushes. I guess I will do that for Version 2.0. Then it will be possible to see previews and thumbnails of brushes.

At the moment you can already define a Photoshop brush as a "plugin" under File > Preferences > PluginTypes. You just need to press the Add button and enter Photoshop Brush in the plugin type field, abr in the file extention field and select the "File Name" radio button.

After that you can see the brushes in Plugin View and even enable and disable them.

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 4:26 pm
by LadynRed
Great, thanks ! As long as I can have some way to manage so many brushes that'll work. When you get the functionality added to 2.0 Pro, I'll be in line for it !