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any mac versions of plugin managers

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2002 8:42 pm
by z3dsl
Any similiar mac versions of this product?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2002 6:21 pm
by HaraldHeim
We planned to do a Mac version of Plugin Commander for Macintosh, but as Adobe abandonned the Filter Factory plugin in Photoshop 7, many features of the Windows Plugin Commander would now be useless on the Mac. So there are currently no firm plans for a Mac version.

I came across two simple plugin managers for the Mac some time ago. One would just let you move unneeded plugins to a new folder and back again. The second was better and displayed a plugin list, but was a commercial product.

I couldn't find any URL to them. It could be that both are not distriubted or sold anymore.