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ElementsXXL in PSE11 not recognized

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:04 am
by DocBrauni
Dear Harald,
I bought ElementsXXL and installed it. PSE11 recognized it and it started properly.
While testing and using it, I thought I experienced a slight lag using the PSE Menues on the top bar.

I searched through the "Voreinstellungen" and used the Option "ElementsXXL deaktivieren" or something similar. It was deactivated, the lag in Using the Menue was gone, but: since then, i am not able to reactive the ElementsXXL-Plug-In. Even de-installing and re-installing brought no solution. The plugIn-file is located in the correct folder and when PSE 11 is running, it is in use (=can not be deleted), but PSE 11 seems to ignore the plugin.

Any idea for such a dumb user like me, deactivating the plugin while testing...?

Thanks for any feedback!

Best regards


Re: ElementsXXL in PSE11 not recognized

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 12:31 pm
by HaraldHeim
To reactivate ElementsXXL after you deactivated it, please go to File > Automation Tools > ElementsXXL (or in German: Datei > Automatisierungswerkzeuge > ElementsXXL) . It will then ask you if you want to activate it.

In general the Photoshop Elements menus sometimes do not display as fast as those of Photoshop. Additionally ElementsXXL needs to check some document and layer properties before a menu is displayed in order to activate, deactivate or populate some menu items. ElementsXXL was optimized to avoid a slow down on menu display, so normally it is not noticeable. Usually I do not get any menu display lag with PSE 11 under Windows 7. Only when the hard drive is in sleep mode, it can happen.

I noticed that under Windows Vista some of the menu checks take much more time than under other Windows versions, so I suspect that Photoshop Elements itself was not optimized for Vista. Do you use Vista?

Re: ElementsXXL in PSE11 not recognized

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:55 pm
by DocBrauni
Dear Harald,

thank you very much for your quick reply. Now ElementsXXL is up and running again. Quite easy, knowing what to do... :oops:

Concerning the slight delay of the menue-bar I found out, that it is only the german "Bild" and "Ebene"-Menue which are a little bit deferred. The other menue-items pop up like a charm.

Nevertheless I am happy that everything is now running.

P.S. I am working with an "antique" Windows XP Pro SP3 on an Pentium(R) D 3,4 GHz / 4 GB RAM which is normally sufficient for my needs... :wink:

Best regards


Re: ElementsXXL in PSE11 not recognized

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:14 am
by HaraldHeim
I tested ElementsXXL in a XP virtual machine on a Intel i-7 computer and did not get any delay. Vista ran on a older Core 2 Quad CPU, where I noticed a slight delay of the Layer menu display. So maybe it is rather the CPU than the operating system that may slow down the menu display. As the Layer menu has the most new menu items, it also needs to do a lot of checking, so that is why there may be a slight menu display delay on older CPUs.