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ElementsXXL for Mac

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:03 pm
by jknights
I would really like to see a Mac version of the plugin made available.


Re: ElementsXXL for Mac

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:45 pm
by HaraldHeim
Here is what the FAQ states about this question:
ElementsXXL does a lot of platform specific things, so making these features work on the Mac requires a lot of additional work. So we want to make sure that there is enough interest before we start working on a Mac version of ElementsXXL.

The development of a Mac version depends on how the Windows sales develop and the number of requests for a Mac version that we get. Only 20% of our customers are using a Mac, so when Windows sales and Mac requests reach a certain level, we can be sure that there will be sufficient Mac sales to compensate for the invested time and money.

If you are interested in a MacOS X version, please let us know and spread the word about it. This will increase the likelihood of an ElementsXXL version for MacOS X.