Curve appears over the sliders
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:05 pm
The latest version of ColourStyler. When I work in Photography mode, and click on "more" in order to go to Advanced Mode, the square window containing tone curve appears over the sliders of Advanced Mode. The square window covers the upper sliders so that I cannot operate them. Only if, in this state, I choose Advanced Mode from the upper bar "Easy/Quick/Photography/Advanced), the square window of tone curve disappers so that the sliders can be accessed.
I found this in the beginning when installed the latest version of ColourStyler. But, because I can always access Advanced Mode through the upper navigation bar, I never reported.
In the previous version of ColourStyler, the slider window of Advanced Mode always appeared without shadowing by the tone curve.
I do not know what is the cause. Maybe someone else reported on this...
I found this in the beginning when installed the latest version of ColourStyler. But, because I can always access Advanced Mode through the upper navigation bar, I never reported.
In the previous version of ColourStyler, the slider window of Advanced Mode always appeared without shadowing by the tone curve.
I do not know what is the cause. Maybe someone else reported on this...